Meet Brandon Hastings

Who is Brandon?

I’m founder of Write Precisely, a solo business venture helping businesses and professionals communicate their expertise in writing purposefully, practically, and precisely.

Hailing from Houston, Texas, I received my BS in computer information systems in 2004 from the University of Houston and my MBA from Penn State in 2015. More than just educational milestones, I’ve integrated key lessons from these academic pursuits into my professional offering to continually improve the value I provide to clients like you.

I’ve been writing professionally since 2010, creating countless business and technical documents that have helped professionals boost their career and organizations improve their bottom line.

Through contracting and consulting, I’ve had the pleasure of working with numerous clients as diverse as NASA, MD Anderson, and Weatherford to small business owners and career-focused professionals. Each had distinct business writing and communication challenges I helped solve.

What is Business Writing?

Put simply, business writing is a collection of written words that directly or indirectly have some monetary impact. And business writing requires specific business writing skills.

Those business writing skills enable you to impress and keep your clients, move up in your career, and produce professionally written deliverables. And to really succeed and see results, you need stellar business writing skills.

Many underestimate the power of writing. And in business — when money and your professional reputation is involved — the impact is even greater.

Understand that who you interact with, how and when you respond, what words you use, where you engage and, most importantly, why you are writing are essential factors you must consider every time you communicate in business, especially in writing (because you can’t take it back).

Business writing and I go hand in hand. And I’d love to use and share my knowledge and business writing skills to help you communicate your expertise to those who matter to you so you can win in business.